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Sitecore: SQL query to get item with workflow history with comments

Sitecore: SQL query to get item with workflow history with comments.


##More info here: https://medium.com/sitecore-series/sitecore-workflow-history-sql-2e42329ec594
   WITH ItemsTable (ItemPath, ID, Name, TemplateID, MasterID, ParentID, Created, Updated)
        SELECT CAST('/' + base.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)) as ItemPath,
            base.ID, base.Name, base.TemplateID, base.MasterID, base.ParentID, base.Created, base.Updated
        FROM Items as base
        WHERE base.ID = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'	
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST(ItemPath + '/' + child.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)),
            child.ID, child.Name, child.TemplateID, child.MasterID, child.ParentID, child.Created, child.Updated
        FROM ItemsTable as parent 
        INNER JOIN Items as child 
            ON child.ParentID = parent.ID 
    SELECT ItemsTable.ItemPath, ItemsTable.ID, ItemsTable.Name, ItemsTable.TemplateID, Created, WorkflowHistory.*
    FROM ItemsTable
	JOIN dbo.WorkflowHistory ON ItemsTable.ID = WorkflowHistory.ItemID	

Posted: 5/05/2022 9:20:58 p.m. by Gitesh Shah | with 0 comments